Magens Bay --San Thomas

Friday, May 4, 2012

Journey into the buried town, Pompeii

My love for science, history and sociology has traverse thru the type of books that I bought for the girls when they were young. One of the example is Step Into Reading book series with a title, “Pompeii… Buried Alive!” by Edith Kunhardt. Don’t know how many times we read this book either thru story times of self reading. All I knew was a promise had been made to the girls that someday, we would visit Pompeii to witness the unbelievable history of a whole town buried alive by a sleeping giant, Mount Vesuvius,  which decided to wake up one day and erupted in 79 D.C. As a result, the whole town was literally being swallowed and sealed tight under the black ashes. As time went by, the ashes cooled and became hard.

One writer named Pliny wrote about the huge cloud that came out of Vesuvius. He wrote about the volcano that buried Pompeii. Then it was forgotten until one day when some workers were digging a tunnel for water found pieces of an old wall under the ground. More and more discoveries were made and finally they found a stone that has “Pompeii’ carved on it. As you can imagine, more things were uncovered from beautiful god bracelets, mosaics, and unbroken eggs. –Simply fascinating!

Here we were standing on the Pompeii ground and still hold the feeling of unbelievable that we actually made it there in persons. We were no longer traveling thru our book but instead we were standing firmly and admiring all of the fascinating facts that filled our mind and souls for years. The place was humongous . As you can see from the photos, a lot of building have been in ruins but you could still picture the town in mind. It was once a glorious town where it was buzzing with merchants and sailors from other town some 2000 year ago.

As we continued our excavations, we encountered the human casts that showed how the people looked when they died. There was even a plaster cast of a dog on a chain. The unfortunate souls that were trapped in the midst of the black ashes have finally been revealed by scientists.

Pompeii-an has a very funny sense of direction. You say, why? Their arrow signs carved on the wall indicating direction and I bet you won't be able to guess what they are unless you see the pictures. Not even in your wildest mind! But, here are the pictures...

Oh .. they also have brothels, apparently they were part of their life style since Pompeii was also a stopover location for many passing sailors. And the funniest part is the type of beds provided based on the level of pay they provided. Listed on the bottom of the list was the stone bed. --You got what you paid for!

Oh … Since they spoke different languages, to communicate they have carved some pictures on what type of services they could order.–Here pictures tell thousand words.

I hope you have enjoyed visiting Pompeii with me and have some laughs along the way. It was quite a fascinating trip but yet pretty entertaining IMHO.

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Until next stop,
Journey of Life

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