Magens Bay --San Thomas

Thursday, April 12, 2012

True Freedom

Bitterness, heart-aches and misfortunes to name a few are common causes of what I called, ‘Self-imprisoned feelings.’ The more we feel bitter, heart-ached and dwell on misfortunes that we encountered, the more we experienced suffering. In my life, I also have been through some bitterness and chose to dwell on them. Perhaps chose the road of staying in bitterness.

The birth of my first daughter had somehow shed some lights in my life. The light was so radiant and lighted the path which led me to the road of forgiveness. I felt as if a huge rock had been lifted up from my heart and the road I am on, spell freedom, is definitely much pleasant one.

It doesn’t matter what happened in our lives. We will experience some grievances, sorrows and bad lucks. It is okay to mull over them for awhile, and some even choose to curse on them –if you will. But we should aim for the next destination, acceptance. --
“Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices.” --  Dr. Paul Tournier quotes

Without acceptance, we can’t move on. –I think this is the hardest part. Even if we choose to accept, we would  go back in circle to ponder on the issues again and again. But trust me, we will arrive at acceptance at some point. 

--courtesy of

By accepting the fact, it will lead us straight into forgiveness and once we forgive. We will remove ourselves from being imprisoned by the heartrending and some sorts. And Ultimately we will reach the true freedom and move on.

This journey is a bit rough IMHO, but good news is the rougher the road is the greater the payoff. And if we haven't reached to this end yet, there is always a hope. Just like each day when we are awake, sunshine always welcomes us, the road to the true freedom is always wide open and awaiting for us to step on. The question is are we up to challenge to reach, the true freedom?

“I know but one freedom and that is the freedom of the mind.”
 Antoine de Saint-Exupery quotes (French Pilot, Writer and Author of 'The Little Prince', 1900-1944)

I hope you are with me on this journey visiting the True Freedom. And hope our paths will cross someday!
Journey of Life


  1. This is so true, overcoming bitterness is something that I am struggling to over come right now. This is state I'm in my life right now.

    1. BlackSwan,
      Thanks for your visit here at my personal blog. I really appreciate it.

      I hear you. And I hope somehow, someday, you will be able to step on the road of true freedom. Patiently supporting and waiting for you!

      Journey Of Life!
